Salvation seems to be universal, even though there are a few conditions.
Outright rejection of the Holy Ghost, the Lord and all goodness and becoming as a son of perdition.
“All sins and all blasphemies, every transgression, except one, that man can be guilty of, may be forgiven; and there is salvation for all men, either in this world or the world to come, who have not committed the unpardonable sin.” (The King Follett Discourse – Joseph Smith)
Even though there is never a time when the spirit is too old to approach God there are some things that need to be done here in this physical realm. We have the requirements of ordinances. I am unsure as to why these are necessary but they are so essential that if we miss these ordinances when we are alive then they must be done in proxy for us after our death. Missing out on salvation because of lack of ordinances I don’t actually consider a valid reason, for we are incapable of falling prey to it. These ordinances are guaranteed to be done for all those who are dead and need it.
“This doctrine presents in a clear light the wisdom and mercy of God in preparing an ordinance for the salvation of the dead… Those Saints who neglect it in behalf of their deceased relatives, do it at the peril of their own salvation.” (History of the Church 4: 425-26)
Rejecting the Holy Ghost, refusing the ordinances, or neglecting the salvation of others. The only way that universal salvation is taken from us is by our own choice.
Newfoundlanders have got my fucking RESPECT
6 years ago
"Rejecting the Holy Ghost, refusing the ordinances, or neglecting the salvation of others..." It's so true. I never really put those in their places like that. I've never summed it up so entirely precisely like that before. I like it.